TPN Self Introduction

589 posts

Many TPN fans are active in Minneba. We’d love for new members and longtime users to share how you got into TPN, your favorite characters, and how you enjoy the series.
Let’s connect more with each other!✨

🙋‍♂️ Example of Self-Introduction Content

・How you got into TPN (manga, Jump series, live-action movie, anime, Neverland Escape Room, etc.)
・Favorite character
 Favorite scenes or quotes (you are welcome to post screenshots!)
・How you enjoy "TPN" (just reading, drawing, writing, etc.)
・Anything else you want to share!

Share your intro in the chat room 'Newcomers Welcome! Self-Introduction Room' and start interacting with everyone!

Check out the ’Newcomers Welcome! Self-Introduction Room' here 👇